The reframing process of the define stage is very important. Design challenges start with an initial problem but research develops and deepens empathy and understanding. Key themes develop from the insights generated, as identified on the affinity map, and the How Might We Statements translate these insights into vision statements that form the basis of ideation.


what is it

The How Might We Cards capture the insights from the research activities and translate these into carefully crafted statements that express the opportunities and resolve experience issues identified in your insights.



why is it important

Whilst research begins with an initial problem/challenge statement, the research activities of the Inspiration phase usually uncovers a much wider perspective on the real issues faced by customers/users. After the divergent thinking, it is necessary to reframe the challenge(s) as a prelude to the ideation phase that focuses on ideas for solutions.



how to do it

  1. Review each theme on the Research Affinity Map and make sure that everyone on the team understands where the theme came from, and why it is important.
  2. Take a How Might We Card for each of the key themes that were identified in the research affinity map.
  3. Transfer the name of the theme to the How Might We Card.
  4. Fill out more detail on the How Might We Card about the nature of the theme e.g. the pain point, need, opportunity, or insight. Try to capture these aspects into a short sentence.
  5. Develop How Might We Statements that capture the current statement for each theme. You can have more than one How Might We Statement for each theme.
  6. Share your How Might We Statement Cards with key stakeholders – these statements are your reframed challenge statements.
  7. Revies all the individual cards as a team. What stands out? Where are the biggest opportunities?
  8. File the completed How Might We Cards as a record.
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