When setting out on a design thinking project it is important that the design team and the organisation understand what a successful outcome of the project will consist of, and what outputs will be generated.


what is it

The Project Success Factor Map is a first draft, high-level and visual mind-map that will help your team understand what success will look like.



why is it important

Thinking collectively and defining this at the beginning of the project helps to guide the team in developing the activittes and project plan, and set expectations. It defines the end goal. It provides an objective for the team to aim for.



how to do it

  1. Position the Project Success Factor Map on a wall space where the team can gather around it
  2. Silently and individually brainstorm the things that will indicate success of the design project – ask yourself what results are you looking for? Hwo will these results be measured? Who will be impacred in what way? write these down on post-it notes, one item per post-it using a bold marker pen using only enough words so that others might understand
  3. Use a mind mapping technique to collectively group the individual ideas, removing duplicates, on the Project Success Factor Map – start by creating a central node with the project name, and then group other nodes and sub- nodes around the central nde drawing connections and arrows as necessary to show relationships
  4. Identify KPI’s for nodes and groups
  5. Write key insights, questions and discussion points on post-it notes, one item per note and post them on the map for reference.
Links for further reading
Related videos
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