Acting out a story brings it to life, adding the human element to a story. It may include props and costumes. It illustrates and brings to life a concept or solution.
what is it
This is an exercise that forms part of the implementation phase, building on the best chosen ideas, getting the team working together, turning ideas on paper into a physical demonstration of the experience for a customer or user.
why is it important
The development and participation in creating a role play scenario unify the team in how the concept or solution will work. Any problems or errors can quickly be addressed and solved. The story can be presented to stakeholders to help explain how the concept or solution will work in practice.
how to do it
- As a team use the storyboard already developed and brainstorm the scenes of the play that you want to create.
- Identify the roles that you need to create the play.
- Select actors for each of the roles. If extra roles are needed to recruit others to play them.
- Make sure that roles are assigned for each of the scenes (team members can play multiple roles in different scenes)
- Build any stage set and/or props that you think can help tell the story and bring it to life – be creative.
- Practice playing each of the scenes in your story.
- Review and revise scenes until you think they are effective.
- Practice again, gather feedback and tips from observers.
- Gather your audience, get into character, lights, stage, action!
- Have fun….
- Video the role play to learn from and share afterwards.
- Gather feedback from your audience.
Links for further reading
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